Arizona Tax Credit FAQs



1. I already donate to a charity. Can I still make a tax credit donation to Hopi?

Yes, Arizona offers several different types of tax credits. Donations to eligible charities (referred to as Qualifying Charitable Organizations) are categorized differently than donations to public schools. For details and contribution limits, see the Arizona Department of Revenue’s website.


2. How does Hopi put my tax credit contribution to use?

Hopi uses tax credit donations to fund field trips, school aides, Variety Show stage décor and rental needs, the Lego robotics club, the Hopi Environmental Leaders Club, to name a few. With recent changes in how schools can apply tax credit funds, Hopi is now able to use funds to help offset a wider range of expenses.


3. Can I specify where my tax credit donation to Hopi should be spent?

You do have the option to select a specific category your tax credit donation should go to, including character education programs, field trips and gifted programming. Donors are encouraged to donate to the school’s general extracurricular fund to enable the school to be more flexible with how donations are spent.


4. Who decides how the tax credit funds are spent?

Like many schools in our district, Hopi has a site council comprised of Hopi teachers, administrators and elected parents. The council meets monthly and reviews requests for funding submitted by teachers and school staff. For details about the Hopi site council, please contact the Hopi front office.


5. What is a tax credit?

A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the actual tax owed. For example, if you owe $600 in state income taxes and you make a $250 tax credit donation to Hopi Elementary School, you may subtract the $250 from your tax bill and pay the state the balance of $350. Check out this helpful video to learn more about the Arizona state tax credit program.


6. How much can I give?

Any amount is appreciated! There is no minimum. For a single individual or head of household, the maximum tax credit you can take in a year is $200. For those filing married or jointly, the maximum tax credit you can take in a year is $400.


7. What I give more than my state tax balance?


Unused amounts may be carried forward for not more than five consecutive taxable years.


8. I’d like to donate to more than one SUSD school. Is that an option?


Sure! You may split your donation among more than one public school, but you’ll still need to adhere to maximum limits depending on whether you file as an individual or head of household.


9. Do I have to have children enrolled in school?


No, any Arizona taxpayer can make a tax credit donation to our school.


10. Do I have to live within our school district?


No, any Arizona taxpayer can make a tax credit donation to our school.